Forum theatre against sexism, by Cie Synergies Théâtre
To mark the 25th anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, established in 1999 by the United Nations (UN), AMU’s Vice Presidency for Égalité Femmes-Hommes et Lutte contre les Discriminations is organising prevention and awareness-raising activities throughout November (
INT was thus able to involve the Synergies Théâtre company in a theatre-forum for students from several neuroscience institutes on the Timone campus ( The event, which lasted over an hour and a half, was accompanied by a number of direct exchanges with the audience on the theme of sexism, gender stereotypes, cyber-bullying and sexist and sexual violence, and was greatly appreciated by the participants.
Other awareness-raising sessions will be organised by INT’s diversity, equity and anti-discrimination Committee in 2025 on the themes of harassment in its various forms (moral, sexual, environmental, etc.).