Nos équipes de recherche intègrent des biologistes, des neuroscientifiques cognitifs et computationnels, des ingénieurs et des cliniciens pour étudier un petit nombre de questions fondamentales et cliniques en neurosciences. L’INT partage largement ses méthodes, résultats et outils avec la communauté scientifique.
- SpiCCISpinal Cord and Cerebro-Spinal Fluid InterfaceOur ultimate goal is to determine how this unique neuronal population is functionally inserted around the CC and in spinal cord networks and to identify their physiological roles in mammals.
- NeOpToNeural Operations in Topographic networksHow dynamic computations in topographically organised networks shape perception and behavior.
- inVibeinference VIsual behaviorHow does the brain flexibly represent diverse sensory and cognitive information to guide adaptive behaviors? Our main objective is to uncover the probabilistic, multiplexed neural representations underlying dynamic, goal-directed computations performed by interacting cortical and subcortical networks.
- BaNCoNeural bases of Communication«We investigate the cerebral bases of communication via neuroimaging techniques» – Pascal belin
- CoPhyBaGCognition and Physiopathology in the Basal GangliaOur team uses a translational approach, from rodents and non-human primates to Parkinsonian patients and drug users, in order to better understand the role of basal ganglia (BG) in cognitive processes, motivation and impulse control disorders. This applies to healthy and pathological conditions such as addiction and impulsive disorders. We use behavioral testing, pharmacology, optogenetic, in vivo and ex-vivo electrophysiology, as well as brain imaging.
- CanoPCognition Affective Neurodéveloppement Ontogénèse PsychiatrieElucidating the underlying mechanisms involved in the development and maintenance of an individual’s social and emotional skills from a neurodevelopmental perspective, with a multidisciplinary approach ranging from cognitive neuroscience to neuroimaging and molecular biology
- MeCAMethods and Computational AnatomyMeCA is an interdisciplinary team born from a collaboration between the Institut de Neurosciences de La Timone and the Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systèmes in Marseille, combining their expertise in fundamental and clinical neuroscience as well as data processing to better understand the organization and functioning of the normal and pathological brain.
- BraiNetsBrain Networks - From neural computations to cognitionBraiNets is a research team of the Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone in computational neuroscience working at the interface between system and cognitive neuroscience, network neuroscience, machine learning and artificial intelligence. The BraiNets team exploits most advanced theoretical approaches and computational tools from artificial intelligence and statistics to study how brain interactions support neural computations underlying cognitive functions.