
MarmoDay 2024

Monday, June 24 2024
Published on 08/02/2024


A day dedicated to research in marmosets.

8h55 Opening: Guillaume Masson & Eduardo Gascon

9h-10h30 Presentations from INT

  • 9h-9h20 P. Belin: Exploration of marmoset voice patches
  • 9h20-9h35 P. Theroude: Validation of a virtual reality set-up adapted to marmosets
  • 9h35-9h55 T. Zassot: Etude du lien entre position sociale et apprentissage
  • 9h55-10h15: Coffee break
  • 10h15-10h45 E. Gascon: Marnoset as a translational model in psychiatry: genetics, molecular
    neurobiology, neurodevelopment and behavior
  • 10h45-11h I. Vanzetta : TBA
  • 11h-11h15 B. Tia: Dynamiques des réseaux corticaux visuomoteurs
    chez le marmouset pour la capture d’un objet réel en mouvement

11h30-12h15 Arthur Lefevre (ISC, Lyon)
Oxytocin modulation of neural activity and behavior in marmosets
12h15-14h: LUNCH BREAK

14h-17h Mini-workshop around ‘Virtual reality, automatic tracking and analysis of behavior in NHPs’

  • 15h45-16h15 Coffee break
    16h15-17h Round table ‘INT perspectives for the use/improvements of VR
    and implementation of automated behavioral tracking’