Total number of publications by INT lab: 1218 publications
- 10/01/2003Influence of head restraint on visually triggered saccades in the Rhesus monkeyJulie Quinet, Laurent Goffart
- 01/01/2003Didier Le Ray, Frédéric Brocard, Céline Bourcier-Lucas, François Auclair, Philippe Lafaille, Réjean Dubuc
- 11/12/2002E. Castet, S. Jeanjean, Guillaume S Masson
- 11/01/2002Guillaume S. Masson, Leland Stone
- 11/01/2002Guillaume S Masson, D.-S Yang, F.A Miles
- 08/01/2002Guillaume S Masson, D-S Yang, F.A Miles
- 06/15/2002Parallel motion processing for the initiation of short-latency ocular following in humans.Guillaume S. Masson, Eric Castet
- 11/01/2001Guillaume S Masson, C Busettini, D.-S Yang, F.A Miles
- 09/01/2001Daniel Mestre, Guillaume S. Masson, Leland Stone
- 06/01/2001Eric Castet, Sébastien Jeanjean, Guillaume S. Masson