Total number of publications by INT lab: 1221 publications
- 10/03/2016Mathieu Servant, Corey White, Anna Montagnini, Boris Burle
- 10/01/2016K. Tree, Jean-Charles Viemari, F. Cayetanot, J. Peyronnet
- 10/01/2016Keda Tree, Jean Charles Viemari, Florence Cayetanot, Julie Peyronnet-Roux
- 10/01/2016Laurent U Perrinet
- 10/01/2016Sascha Frühholz, Wietske van Der Zwaag, Melissa Saenz, Pascal Belin, Anne-Kathrin Schobert, Patrik Vuilleumier, Didier Grandjean
- 10/01/2016Caroline Ego, Lucie Bonhomme, Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry, David da Fonseca, Philippe Lefèvre, Guillaume S. Masson, Christine Deruelle
- 10/01/2016J.-F. Mangin, J. Lebenberg, S. Lefranc, N. Labra, Guillaume Auzias, M. Labit, M. Guevara, H. Mohlberg, P. Roca, P. Guevara, Jessica Dubois, F. Leroy, Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz, A. Cachia, T. Dickscheid, O. Coulon, C. Poupon, D. Rivière, K. Amunts, Z.Y. Sun
- 10/01/2016Pascal Barone, Laure Chambaudie, Kuzma Strelnikov, Bernard Fraysse, Mathieu Marx, Pascal Belin, Olivier Deguine
- 10/01/2016A five years longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging study of severe traumatic brain injury patients. Correlation with functional outcomePierre Simeone, L Puybasset, Guillaume Auzias, Olivier Coulon, B Lesimple, G Torkomian, Lionel Velly
- 09/04/2016Early postnatal maturation in vestibulospinal pathways involved in neck and forelimb motor controlFrançois Lambert, Hélène Bras, Laura Cardoit, Laurent Vinay, Patrice M Coulon, Joel Glover