
Neurotech Seminar

jeudi 15 décembre 2022 à 12:00
Publié le 08/12/2022

Last Neurotech Seminar of 2022:

Thursday Dec 15th at noon (12-14h) in Room Vinay, INT 1st floor

New imaging modalities to study tissue mechanics

Loic Le Goff (Mosaic Team, Institut Fresnel)

The seminar will also be accessible by Zoom:

Meeting ID: 860 3670 0940
Passcode: 858859

The seminar series will resume on Thursday Jan 12th with Alberto Lombardini (INPHIM imaging facility, INT) who will present “Sustained deep-tissue voltage recording using a fast indicator evolved for two-photon microscopy” Cell 2022, Vol. 185, issue 18.  Check out the Neurotech calendar for our future events : https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=Y2dma245ajY4ZmpzOTBpcjlzbGY1bTBvdWNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ