Séminaire de Wolfgang Cramer
Thursday March 16th at 4pm, Salle Henri Gastaut, INT
Wolfgang Cramer (imbe, CNRS, IPCC/GIEC in french)
What is the IPCC for and how does it work?
Abstract: Since 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been in existence and regularly provides scientific reports to public authorities in all countries of the world on the risks associated with global warming. At the same time, other mechanisms for assessing and informing on the risks linked to global changes have been set up (IPBES for biodiversity, MedECC for the Mediterranean basin, GREC Sud for a region in Southern France, etc.). Nevertheless, environmental degradation continues with disastrous consequences. Despite international conventions for the protection of the global environment, the concentration of greenhouse gases continues to increase, more and more ecosystems are being degraded, and human and economic losses are increasing. How do these structures actually work, what are the constraints on their effectiveness, and what are the prospects for the research community to better assert itself against the degradation of human living conditions and ecosystems? To avoid the worst, are other forms of engagement by scientists necessary?
The seminar will also be streamed online at the zoom link https://univ-amu-fr.zoom.us/j/89305561886?pwd=QXFVdTRUWGNaa2MzY3J5YzFEKzVmQT09
Invité par ECOLAB